Posts in Testimony
Lasting Influence

Looking back over 2023, I am amazed at how quickly the year flew by. Each year, it seems to go faster and faster (I know, I know—I am getting older, and it works that way), but on the positive side, I am also becoming more reflective. Who did I influence this past year for the good? In what area did I make a difference? Will my investment matter or even last past the moment? I think each of us desires that our lives would count in eternity, but the question is: How will I make it count and last?

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The LORD Directeth His Steps

October thirtieth, nineteen eighty-eight. Standing in the parking lot of Eastland Baptist Church for the first time. We had just relocated to Tulsa from Denver, this being the first Sunday we were in town. Sitting in the car, a little nervous, we were greeted by John Egbert who accompanied us into the church and began introducing us. We immediately felt home.

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