Why Sing?

By Jesse Becker

Throughout Scripture we are commanded to sing. Whenever we see commands like these, it is good to compare them to what Jesus calls the two greatest commandments – to love God and to love others – as we are to “hang” all commandments on these. There are numerous verses in the Bible of commands and examples to sing to the Lord, so it’s clear that singing to God is attached to the first great commandment. Singing to God is a wonderful way to worship Him, to lift Him up in our own heart and mind. It helps us express what may seem impossible to express in any other way. And when we lift our song with a humble spirit, God is pleased.

However, the command to sing is not limited only to singing to God and loving Him. In fact, God is not the only audience to our singing. Colossians 3:16 shows us that singing also fulfills the other great commandment—to love others.

Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.
— Colossians 3:16

The theme of Colossians is that in our lives, Christ should have preeminence. This means that in all things that we do and say, Christ should be considered and glorified. This includes our congregational singing. The first phrase of this verse, “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly,” shows one way that Christ can have the preeminence in our lives. While this phrase may sound like a command, it is actually a result or product of another action – the action of “teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs.” So, when we sing the truths of God, those truth will live or dwell in us helping us make Christ preeminent in our lives. We know it is important to know God’s Word and meditate on it, and there may be no better way than to sing it!

The next part of the verse tells us how to have the Word of Christ dwell in you, and that is by singing to each other. In so doing we will teach the truths contained in the songs to one another. I especially think of new Christians in our congregation when we sing. They are hearing over and over the truths about who God is, what He has done, and what He can and will do in the future. Songs have a way of sticking with us, coming to mind at any time of the day or night, again rehearsing the truths of God. Even those who have been saved for years never get tired of hearing of the sacrifice Christ made and the faithfulness of God, His power to overcome our greatest fears and struggles, and His love and mercy that knows no end. Singing to each other is again a wonderful way to rehearse and share these truths.

Colossians 3:16 shows us another essential reason why we sing. Yes, we sing to God to honor and worship Him. But we also sing to and for each other, helping each other make Christ the chief part of our lives and reminding ourselves of the infinite greatness of God.

DevotionalBenjamin Siens