Giving so it Counts

By John Mardirosian

Our giving to the Lord can be done with so many different motives. We can do it because not giving is robbing God. We can give out of a sense of duty, a willingness to do our part. Or, we can give out of a heart of cheerfulness and generosity.

In II Corinthians 9, Paul told the church at Corinth that he used them as an example of generosity. Because Paul had used the Corinthian church as an example, he didn’t want them to fail in coming through on their commitment. To encourage them to follow through with their intentions, Paul provided some simple principles about giving.

First, he encouraged them to give generously and cheerfully. Next, he explained that God wants to be part of their giving. Then, God wanted to multiply their efforts. This kind of giving ultimately leads to praising God.

All of us are armed with good intentions to give. God wants us to enthusiastically and generously take action. If we take advantage of God’s grace and give with the right spirit, God promises so much in return. He will multiply our efforts. Just imagine giving to something where God is the One promising the dividends! Our giving will bring glory to God, so we are assured that our giving will fulfill our purpose.

The encouragement from Paul to the Corinthian church provides us with a roadmap for making the very best decision we can make about how to use our money to glorify God. 

DevotionalBenjamin Siens