How Can Giving Bring So Much Joy?

By John Mardirosian

In Mark 12:41-43, Jesus uses the example of a widow who offers all that she has, just a few mites, to teach us several significant lessons. Lessons like, it’s not how much we give but how much we are willing to sacrifice. Lessons like, God looks at our heart not the dollars in our wallet. Think for a minute about the joy that can come through understanding and applying the truth of this story. 

Many of us have experienced the rush of roller coaster, the rapid acceleration of a sports car, the adrenaline of stepping out on a ledge. God is challenging us to step out in faith and follow the example of this poor widow. The lesson wasn’t in how much the widow gave, but how much she had. Jesus wasn’t looking at what he could do with the money she gave, but rather what he could do with the example she provided. This widow demonstrates the kind of dependence that God wants each of us to express in him. 

It can be easy for us depend on our paycheck to meet our needs, but it may be difficult to place our trust in God to meet our needs when we give our tithe or support missions. This step of faith causes a rush similar to stepping out on a ledge or cresting the top of a tall roller coaster. This step of faith positions us to see God work in our lives. God commands us to prove him in Micah 3:10 and see how he is willing and able to bless our lives, even opening the windows of heaven on our behalf. 

The joy we can bring to God, ourselves, and those around us, is incomparable. It provides a longer-lasting excitement than any thrill-seeking activity we can engage in. Giving makes a lasting impact in our lives and makes a difference in eternity.

DevotionalBenjamin Siens